
Library 011

Authorized school to implement the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and accredited by COGNIA for Schools (AdvancED)

Academics are our top priority. Learn more about our curriculum, courses and prerequisites, and programs that make an MAS education your passport to the world.
Our Program of Study

Our Program of Study

The Modern American School offers a comprehensive and robust academic program built upon the principles and standards of the American education system. Our rigorous, yet flexible curriculum is designed to inspire our students to become successful lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.

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International Education

Tawjihi is Jordan’s general secondary national exam. This exam is a mandatory educational requirement for all students who plan to attend a Jordanian university or expect to work in Jordan’s public or private sector after graduation from a university abroad. 

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Integration Of Technology

Courses & Descriptions

​Listed in this section are the courses offered at the MAS High School. These include course names, numbers, and departments. Keep in mind that some courses can only be taken if prerequisites have been fulfilled. 


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Mathematics Department

Algebra 1 course is intended to build a foundation for all higher math classes. This course reviews algebraic expressions, integers, and mathematical properties that will lead to working with variables and linear equations.

IT and Engineering Department

IT and Engineering Department

Science Department

Science Department

French Department

French Department

English Department

English Department

social Studies Department

Social Studies Department

Arabic Department

Students will learn how to ask and answer simple question, make routine requests in the classroom and in public places, read comprehend and respond to words and phrases in a variety of situations. 

Language Programs

Language Programs

One of the goals of the Modern American School is to have every graduate achieve true proficiency in a second (or third) language by the time they graduate. 

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College Counseling & Guidance

At Modern American School’s (MAS) Counseling Department we have a comprehensive counseling program that is mindful of the developmental needs of our students.  

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Technology & Education

At the Modern American School, we believe that integrating technology in to the educational experience allows for a student-centered learning environment that addresses the individual needs of our students. 

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Our state-of-the-art libraries provide students with a variety of books written in English, Arabic, and French. Each of our 4 libraries caters to the age group for which it is assigned and offers more than 60,000 books for our students to read and enjoy. 

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STEM Program

STEM Program

The MAS STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Club is comprised of an elite group of our future doctors, engineers, and scientists.

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Enroll Today
The Modern American School offers a comprehensive and robust academic program built upon the principles and standards of the American education system. Our rigorous, yet flexible curriculum is designed to inspire our students to become successful lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.
College board