This Adha Eid, 50 MAS students visited a local Senior Center in order to provide company, care, and love to a community of elderly people who are less blessed with family or resources. This experience gave our students the opportunity to listen to our elders’ stories and histories, and glean from their wisdom. They also learned to be respectful and sensitive to all people, especially those who have so much to teach us. Our students in turn shared what they could offer to our elders. They brought gifts, food, an open heart, and an ear to listen.
As a student at the Modern American School, it is a pleasure and an honor to be a part of such a caring and socially conscious community. I believe that both our elders and my fellow students came away from this visit with a better understanding of the generous and loving nature of this holiday as well as a greater appreciation for these small acts of kindness
Rania Al-Qubaisi
MAS Times Contributing Author