A hallmark of a holistic approach to education is the placement of an organized and structured student support program. At MAS, we value the importance of academic advising but we also understand the need for additional counseling to help students manage the stressors of daily life and equip them with skills and tools that are beneficial for their personal and academic growth. The Middle School and High School students have been coming together during allocated times to meet with their mentoring groups over the past academic year to apply those principles that are inherent in our educational philosophy. During last week's sessions, students discussed the importance of mentoring, study skills, and respect for one another. Middle School students spoke about what it would be like to be the Principal for a day. MAS faculty is looking forward to continuing this program for the remainder of the year and providing continuous support and encouragement to their students.
Mentoring is beneficial to young people because it guarantees a young person that there is someone who cares about them. A child is not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges. Mentors provide their mentees with an experienced friend who is there to help in any number of situations.
Additionally, mentoring by a caring adult over a prolonged period of time has been shown in countless academic studies to be effective in improving the overall school experience for students. A number of studies have revealed a correlation between a young person’s involvement in a quality mentoring relationship and positive outcomes in the areas of school, problem behavior and health. We are excited to continue our mentoring program as the year progresses!
Sarah Donnelly
MAS News Editor